Appunti per un Millenario
Millennium San Bernardo, Patrono delle Alpi:
I Cammini dello Spirito
Giornate Internazionali di Studio Luigi Zanzi
Formazza, 7-8 settembre 2017
con il patrocinio e il contributo Fondazione Comunitaria Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Associazione “La storia nel futuro”
Due giornate di studio e confronto che costituiscono un preliminare alle celebrazioni del Millennio della nascita del Patrono delle genti di montagna, sulle cui orme, si intende riscoprire “I Cammini dello Spirito” per una nuova eco-storia delle Alpi, cerniera d’Europa.
Beyond Cartesio with Darwin
International assembly – Pavia-Como, 17-19 novembre 1994
The organization of the Assembly was supported principally by the Foundation Maria Giussani Bernasconi for the Restoration of Art and for Humanistic Studies, in collaboration with the Center of Scientific Culture “Alessandro Volta” of Como, with the Physics Department “Alessandro Volta” of the University of Pavia with the History/Geography Department of of the University of Pavia and with the Politecnico of Milan.
Luigi Zanzi
The main idea of the assembly and the selection of the theme were inspired by Luigi Zanzi with the agreement of Ilya Prigogine. The theme of the assembly was exceptionally wide – from physics to chemistry, from biology to the theory of evolution, from cosmology to epistemology. The speakers were among the most illustrious and qualified international scholars: Ilya Prigogine, L. Zanzi, G. Toraldo Di Francia, M. Cini, R. Artigiani, C Sini, B. Bertotti, G. Casati, G. Caglioli, E. Laszlo, L. Briatore, S. Bergia, L. Magnani, W. Ebeling, E. Gunzig, E. Gianetto, K. Hutchison, S. D’Agostino.
The different sessions of the Assembly were presided over by Fabio Bevilacqua, Mauro Ceruti and Giulio Giorello, with the help of Enico Giannetto and Federico Canobbio. In conformity with the original design planned by Ilya Prigogine and Luigi Zanzi the configuration of the Assembly was presented. At the inauguration of the Assembly, the Rector of the University of Pavia, Professor Roberto Schmid, gave Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1977) an honor for his work in science.

Ilya Prigogine
Atti Publications:
AA.VV., Beyond Cartesio with Darwin (curated by L. Zanzi ed Enrico Giannetto), Hoepli, Milan, 2015.
Sacri Monti: devotion, art and culture of the Counter Reformation
Gazzada Schianno (Varese), 10-13 May, 1990
Promise of intent with the History-Geography Department of the University of Studies of Pavia and coordinate of Attilio Agnoletto, University of Studies of Milan.
Atti Publications:
AA.VV., Sacri Monti: devotion, art and culture of the Counter Reformation (curated by L. Vaccaro, F. Ricardi), Jaca Book, Milan, 1992
The rebirth of the Philosophy of Science and History in Italy from the 1930s until present time
International Assembly of Studies – Varese, 24-25-26 October 1985
T he assembly was promoted on the initiative of the cultural association “Popular University” of Varese with the patronage of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Studies of Milan. On the occasion of the official opening of the assembly, the morning of 24 October 1985, the participants unanimously proclaimed Ludovico Geymonat the Honorary President of the Assembly.The three days of the assembly included the following themes: the philosophy of science and history, evolutionism and epistemology, logic and the philosophy of mathematics, technical and scientific historiography. The assembly was attended by eminent scholars such as Ludovico Geymonat, Wilheim Buttermeyer, Marcello Pera, Giullio Giorello, Giuseppe Montalenti, Mario Ceruti, Jean Petitot, Michel Paty, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Giancarlo Meloni, Italo Scardove, Luidi Bulferetti, Gianni Micheli, Valerio Tonini, Enrico Bellone, Aurelio Macchioro, Lech Witkowski, Eftichuos Bitsakis, Luciano Boi, Mario Castellana, Domenico Costantini, Paolo Freguglia, Maria Carla Galavotti, Roberto Maiocchi, Marco Panza, Alberto Peruzzi, Luciano Spoto, Ferdinando Vidoni.
On the morning of October 25th, in parallel with the Assembly, a meeting with Ludovico Geymonat and Corrado Mangione was held with the students of the upper classes of the Scuole Statale Superiore of the Province of Varese entitled invitation to the philosophy of science. On the evening of October 26th a round table was held at the Villa Recalcati dedicated to Ludovico Geymonat and the rebirth of the philosophy of science and history in Italy at the beginning of the Twentieth Century with the participation of Francesco Barone, Corrado Mangione, Mario Quaranta, Anna Stomeo, Silvano Tagliagambe, Valerio Tonini and Luigi Zanzi, the moderator.
Atti Publications: